Monday, May 4, 2015

March and April 2015

Hello again! Now onto the next two months. : ) March starteded off with my brother Sam's birthday. I sent him little mini golf gift set, which he seemed to enjoy. We were also able to chat on the phone, which was nice! I went to a fun pampered chef party at my neighbor Jane's house, which was fun and I ordered myself a fee things. : ) Genevieve had her Spring Break. We spent the first few days at my parents house, then had a fun play date at Melanie's house on that Friday. We had a fun little Saint Pattys Day party with Jennifer and her girls here at our house. : ) Genevieve started her ballet class, which she loves. So cute and fun to see her and the other little girls dancing around. : )

I brought Heather her chick Fil a gift card and a few hand me down onesies for her sweet baby girl Rebekah, was fun to visit with her for a bit. We had Clare's birthday party at Finch Park in McKinney., was lots of fun and that same night we had my birthday dinner with friends. Also a good time. : ) April started off with my birthday/Easter weekend, we had a little Good Friday play date with Jennifer and the girls at their house, which was a blast! I went later that day to the Good Friday passion service. Chase ( Nathan's brother) came in town to spend Eastwr with us, which was nice. Saturday we had a little Easter play date with our cousins in Wylie, which was fun! We went to Easter Sunday Mass, then afterwards my parents and George came over. We had an egg hunt for the kids, Easter dinner, and a little family birthday celebration for me.

Nathan and I also celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary at this yummy Italian Restaraunt in Frisco. then we hopped on over to Old Town Creamery for dessert, such good ice cream! The following weekend I went to a Mary Kay party at Staceys, whucb was a lot of fun. I ended up ordering some foundation today-so excited! The next day we had our neighborhiid spring fling picnic and Lilys birthday party (Genevieve's friend from school). The following Friday we met Imelda and her daughter Victoria at Chick Fil a for dinner and a play date. The next day was our little cousin Ava's birthday party, which was a blast! Love our sweet cousins. : )

This month ended with me having all my wisdom teeth taken out, and another tooth too. So grateful to my sweet neighbor Cathy who helped watch the kids during the procedure and my sweet hubby Nathan who stayed home the rest of the day to help watch the kids. The first few days were a little hard in the recovery stage, but now I'm starting to feel a little more normal. : ) Well, guess that's it! Until next time. : )

The Entsminger Fam

January and February 2015

Hello strangers! Well it's only been 4 months ha! So let's start off with January, then move in to February. : ) Genevieve went back to school from the Chrstmas break. It was fun having her home, but she was ready to see her school friends and teachers again. : ) I went to a sweet sprinkle/shower for my friend Heather. At the time, she was pregnant with her 3rd baby, a little girl. : ) We finally had out HVAaC system replaced, which was very much needed! We met out sweet friends Kristin and her little boys for breakfast and play time at Chick Fil A one morning-so fun! At the end of January, we had dinner with friends at Desperados for Nathan's birthday-lots of fun! : ) They also had a family day at school. We were able to go have lunch with Genevieve and visit her classroom. She was very excited about that!

Our moms group did a little early Valentines exchange with the residents at Collinwood. They are always so appreciative and the kids have so much fun. I also helped my mom host two Nerium parties at our house one weekend, which ended up being pretty fun. I have some very sweet friends that came. We also hosted a Superbowl party at our house, which was a blast! February started off with Genevieve's friend Mason's birthday party-always a good time. Jennifer and I had a girls night at her house, we just drank wine, watched Friends, and talked. Was a nice night away from the kids! For Valentines this year, we just hung out here with Nathan's family and had little gift bags for each other and the kids. Nathan's sister and brother in law were In town looking at homes, his mom and brother helped us watch the little ones. It was a fun, but busy weekend! Nathan and I had a date night the following weekend, while my parents watched the kids. We end to this amazing sushi Restaraunt in Frisco yum! And this concludes this one is March and April. : ) 

The Entsminger Fam

Monday, January 12, 2015

October, November, and December 2014

Hi everyone! Wow, sure has been a while since I blogged, so forgive me if I leave out anything. October of course mainly involved a lot of Halloween festitivites. Our moms group did a little trick or treat visit with the residents at the local nursing home, which was fun for everyone! Was such a joy to see the elderly people's smiles light up as they watched the kids in their costumes. Of course Genevieve dressed up at school in her Sofia the 1st costume. For the neighborhood trick or treat party, she was Cinderella. Noah was Winnie the Pooh, but not a fan of the costume-we had just enough time to take a picture before he threw a fit haha. They had a hay ride too which was so much fun! We have such a great neighborhood and have made some great friends. : )

November, we had Genevieve's little friend Emery's birthday party. That was fun, it is so cute how her preschool friends all have so much fun together. The big event of the month was Noah's 1st birthday party. We just had a small family get together and our friends Tani and Jeremiah came with their little baby boy Blaine. He got some super fun presents and of course had a Winnie the Pooh birthday cake. : ) Everyone had a great time! A week or two before that was his little cousin's 1st birthday (also named Noah). My cousin Neanie was in town (she has the same birthday as my Noah), so we all went out to dinner and had cake afterwards at my Uncle Chris's place. Lots of fun cousin time!

Then of course there was Thanksgiving! A few days before Thanksgiving, we had a play date with our sweet cousins of course at their new house in Wylie-always fun spending time with them. : ) Sam and Chelsea came to town, it was great to see them. We did Thanksgiving Day at our house, then spent the rest of the weekend with the family at either our place or at my parents. One day we went to a Christmas concert at the Bass Hall, which was wonderful! Definitely put us all in the Christmas spirit. Then came December! I believe it was this month or maybe last month, that we had Jacob's birthday party (Genevieve's friend)-it was so much fun for everyone. : ) Genevieve also became sick shortly after with a terrible virus similar to hand, foot, mouth disease. Fortunately she was healed in time for her school Christmas pageant.

I am so happy that she was able to perform, she did great. She is usually pretty quiet at school, but has always loved music. She was the most animated on stage and knew all the hand motions and words, etc...and was right in the front row, she was sooo cute! Her teacher was amazed and so happy. A few days later, it was Christmas break! We spent Christmas here with my parents and my brothers. Abraham came to town-so great to see my youngest brother-we sure have missed him! It was a wonderful Christmas-spent time with family, went to Christmas Mass, and of course opened presents. One night we went out to the Bavarian Grill, here in Plano-which was lots of fun-it is a great atmosphere with great food and beer!

Another exciting thing that happened was our sweet friends gave us their beautiful couch and red cabinet/armoire for free! Now our sitting room and dining area are fully furnished! Yay!! Earlier this month we also had a Christmas play date with our cousins at their new house in Wylie which was a lot of fun-the kids have so much fun together. : ) Nathan's dad came to town for a few days after Christmas, so the kids were able to spend time with him. After that was New Years. My parents were out of town and none of our babysitters were available, so we just took it easy and hung out here with the kids and watched a movie. Guess that's all I have for these past few months! Now its a New Year! Until next time...
    -The Entsmingers-

Sunday, October 12, 2014

August and September 2014

Hello again! So it's been a while, as usual. : ) The end of July and beginning of August started out with our trip to San Diego. It was for the 25th Anniversary of Liechty & McGinnis, the firm Nathan works for. It was so much fun! We ate at some great restaurants, stayed at the beautiful U.S. Grant Hotel, went to La Jolla and took the ferry to Coronado Hotel/Beach, and other fun things, it was a blast! It was like a second honeymoon for us, without the kids. My parents watched them for us and said they were great. : ) 

We had our Core Team kick off meeting for Saint Marks moms group, which went well. We have had some great events and lots of new moms joining our group. Yay! Both my brother George and my mom celebrated their birthdays thus August. We went to my parents house and celebrated with dinner and entertainment via Nathan on the guitar. Fun fun!! Genevieve also started her first week of school, she absolutely loves it! Nathan and I enjoyed a date night while our sweet babysitter watched the kids for us. We went to Watters Creek and enjoyed a nice dinner and coffee afterwards. 

Now for the month of September!  My friend Joanna had her 30th birthday party at Pinots Palette which was a lot of fun! The artist guided in us on how to paint our own picture of blue bonnets and a sunset. I have no artistic talent at all, but it turned out pretty well. My dad's birthday was also this month, which we celebrated a little later on. We had our first neighborhood play date group, which was a lot of fun. It was great to meet everyone and make new friends/neighbors! 

We also had our first Saint Marks moms group meeting and a separate moms night out, which was great. : ) Genevieve's classmate Aidan had his 4th birthday party at Amazing Jakes, which was lots of fun. Then the following weekend was her friend Nicks birthday party, another classmate of hers at Pump it Up-she had a blast! That pretty much sums up this blog. Thanks for reading! Until next time. : )
       -The Entsmingers-

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

June and July 2014

The month of June started off with my cousin Bonnie and her daughter Olivia visiting Dallas. We had a few fun play dates with them before their move back to Virginia, am very happy for them and their new life there. But will miss them being just a few house away in Austin. But they promise to come to Texas for Christmas so yay!! Olivia and Genevieve have such fun together. : ) We sent I'm all of Genevieve's enrollment forms for school and ordered her school supplies. She will be attending Saint Mark Catholic school, in their Prechool 3 class, I can't believe it! She is so excited about school. : )  We finally had our custom blinds put on our kitchen windows, they look so nice and are keeping this summer heat out! Genevieve and I went to her sweet little friend Ella's birthday party. I'm good friends with her mom Melanie, so was so fun to see her too! Such a sweet family. : )

The month of July began with our sweet Genevieve's birthday, her real birthday was July 2nd. She turned 3 years old! My parents came over and brought her gifts and a cake, which she loved! She also opened gifts from us, Sam, and Chelsea, Mims, Bepa, and Mum and Bub, and her godparents Molly and Doug. She also had her 3 year checkup. She weighs 32 lbs and is about 3 feet tall, average weight and height. : ) Healthy girl! We had Genevieve's party on the 12th at a splash fountain in Fairview/Allen. All of her cute little friends came and had a great time! It was fun to spend the with our friends/the parents too. : ) 

Genevieve had her swim lessons this month which she loved! She is our little water tot! We got together with my sweet college friend/roommate Tani and her husband Jeremiah. They came to our house with their cute baby boy Blaine! Was so fun to see them, such sweet friends that we have reconnected with! Genevieve and I also had a play date with Stacey and her adorable little guy Jude here at our house. Noah napped most of the time they were here, so that worked out well. The very last day of July begins with our trip to San Diego, which I will get to in August's blog! Thanks for reading! See ya in a month or two for more blogging. : )

The Entsminger Fam

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

April and May 2014

So this time I'm 2 months over due! Guess us Entsmingers have been busy. : )  My birthday was April 3rd. My parents babysat that weekend while Nathan and I went our with my friends and my brother George. We had dinner at Gloria's then drinks after at The Flying Saucer. It was a ton of fun! Our wedding Anniversary was April 12th. : ) We went out the Saturday night before Easter to dinner at Benihanas. They gave us free dessert and took our picture to brung home with us. : ) We spent Easter Sunday with my parents. We went to Mass In the morning at Saint Marks, our parish here in Plano. Then we dyed Easter eggs with Genevieve, which she loved!! We have the cutest video of her laughing the whole time. : ) if you are on Google plus, I posted it on there a while back. My mom cooked lamb for Easter dinner with potatoes, salad, and a spinach/broccoli casserole, and bread. Everything was delicious!

My sweet mother-in-law, Susan, came in town the last weekend of April to visit. We had a great time with her. The weather was beautiful, so we took walks, played with Genevieve outside, and went out to dinner her last night here. It was a very relaxing and fun weekend, : )

In May, I went to my sweet friend Kristin's baby shower. She is having her third boy! The following week, my mom and I took Genevieve and Noah with us to Wichita and Kansas City to visit Mum and Bub (my grandparents), Aunt Amy, cousins Zeb and Jonas, Aunt Sheri, and of course my brother Sam and sister-in-law Chelsea. We arrived in Wichita the night of Bubs birthday. We had dinner and cake and gifts for him, he was very happy everyone was there. We spent the few days in Wichita just hanging out at the house, visiting, and swimming, etc... We went down to Kansas City to see Sam and Cheksea for a day and night. Was a very quick trip but good to see them, : ) This trip made me realize how much I miss everyone and wish we could see each other more often.

I guess that's it for May and this blog. Until next time! : )

    -The Entsmingers-

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

March 2014

And now for the March blog! March 4th was my brother Sam's birthday. Wish we could have celebrated with him in Kansas City, his birthday was on Fat Tuesday this year! We went to a fun Easter play date at my friend Melanie's new home in Forney. The kids decorated Easter bags, then had an egg hunt at the neighborhood park. It was a lot of fun! Genevieve loved playing with friends. We went to my parents house the following weekend, so we could have a date night, while they watched the kids. We ate at Risckys Steakhouse in the stockyards, then went to the rodeo afterwards. We had a great time, despite the cold rainy weather. :  ) My cousin Bonnie was in town for a few days, so she and her baby girl Olivia came over for a play date. It was a lot of fun and great to see Bons! Wish they lived closer. : )

Genevieve's little friend Clare had her 1st birthday party, which was a lot of fun. It was at their new home in Princeton. They had a pony for the kids to pet, and a piƱata. We had a great time! Guess that's it for this month, wasn't too much going on. Nathan continues to do well at work, although very busy. The kids and I keep ourselves occupied with activities at home, play dates with friends, and moms group at church. We are looking at window treatments for our kitchen. Need to get curtains up before the heat of Texas summer starts! Still have lots to do in our new home We are very blessed.. Hope everyone is well and look forward to our April update!

-The Entsminger Fam-